Swing stoppers, lever locks, latches

Swing stoppers: The ones that pop

If you’ve ever heard a bottle ‘pop’, then you’ve heard of us! Many large breweries know they can count on our proven capping rate of 99.95% when using new glass. This is why Fetscher swing stoppers are the component of choice to ensure processes run smoothly in the brewing industry.

As important as our major customers are to us, we also share a strong bond with the countless small and medium-sized breweries that put all of their heart and soul into the tradition of brewing their own regional beer. Give us a call and let us know how we can help. We should also point out that we have no minimum order sizes – our services start from as little as one-off pieces.

Lever locks: nostalgic beauty

A classic like this never goes out of style. Lever locks provide a reliable and reusable closure for flagons and growler bottles in accordance with the former DIN 5098.

Latches: Leakproof and tight

We connect elements that belong together – and tightly, too – with our wide range of functional solutions for the automotive sector and other industries.

Arrange a consultation now

Technische Informationen

More Details

Wir beraten Sie gerne, welche Qualitäten Ihre Vorgaben erfüllen. Sollten Sie andere Anforderungen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns: Je nach Material können wir auch andere Vorgaben erfüllen.

Abmessungen und Festigkeiten

  • Draht von Durchmesser 0,2 mm – 8,0 mm, andere Durchmesser materialabhängig auf Anfrage
  • Direktumformung in Festigkeiten bis 2.000 N/mm²


  • Stahldrähte z. B. C9D verzinkt
  • Edelstahldrähte nach EN 10088-3, z.B. 1.4016, 1.4301
  • andere Güten auf Anfrage gern erhältlich

Swing stoppers

Swing stoppers
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Lever locks

Lever locks
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Special fasteners

Special fasteners
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